Saturday, July 4, 2009

Destination(Queues & Topics) Properties-2

This post is the continuation of the Previous post, So please read that properties also.

3. maxBytes: Both for Queues and topics
This property is useful for limiting the pending messages on each destination.
For Queues, it defines the maximum size (in bytes) of all messages that can be waiting in the queue. By default, or if maxbytes is set to 0, there is no limit to the size of a queue. If a receiver is off-line for a long time, maxbytes limits the memory allocation for the receiver’s pending messages. Messages that would exceed the limit will not be accepted into storage and an error is returned to the message producer.

For Topics maxbytes limits the total size (in bytes) of all messages waiting for delivery to each durable subscriber on that topic. The limit applies separately to each durable subscriber on the topic. For example, when a durable subscriber is off-line for a long time, pending messages accumulate in the server; maxbytes limits the memory allocation for those pending messages for the subscriber; when the subscriber consumes messages (freeing storage) the topic can deliver additional messages.

4. global: Both Queues and Topics
Messages destined for a topic or queue with the global property set are routed to the other servers that are participating in routing with this server.

5. sender_name: Both Queues and Topics
If this property is set on the destination, then server copies the username of the client to the message header property: JMS_TIBCO_SENDER. However if the tibco sender sets the property JMS_TIBCO_DISABLE_SENDER, it can override the behavior of sender_name and the sender name will not be copied by the server.

Note:The remaining Properties of Destinations will be posted in coming days, Please check for this blog updates daily to keep in touch.


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